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Monday, August 16, 2010

Bit of a Two Parter

I know that I haven't been keeping up as well as I should be. Things have changed in my life a bit and I decided to keep everyone that reads this a little posted.

I'm pretty sure that the last time that I was writing I was bound by the ropes of the law. This is not the case anymore. July 14th I went before the Judge and he told me that the report that my probation officer was fantastic. He also decided to dismiss every charge that I got.

It was a happy day, came home and spent a couple weeks with my family. My birthday came around, turned twenty. I'm am not a teenager anymore, I guess I have to start acting older. Every time I say that out loud I want to slap myself, I still feel sixteen. Well, a day before my birthday my father surprised me with a brand new car. A 2010 Toyota Corrolla. I named it too, but its still a toss up between two. Tholly, or the Mint Mobile. Tholly because the paint job matches the mental cigarette pack, or Mint Mobile because it looks like a big breath of minty freshness. I'm truly stumped.

So now that I have a car, no probation, I feel relieved. Life is back to the way it used to be. Oh wait, I'm still in Nova. Sometimes you have to take what life hands you. Hey, it handed me a nice job at Coastal Flats so, I'll take what I can get.

Working at the mall makes me hate it in some ways. I was standing outside the doors by the AMC wondering why I despise that place in the back of my head. It's not a hate that makes me want to rip my hair out and scream, but a hate that just sits there idle. Sits there and makes you squirm from the inside out. And then I started doing what I do best, people watch.

I think I could count ten seconds before I saw another one. It was like clockwork, they pranced in one by one. Happily strutting along, glaring at you thinking they were better than you. Holding hands, light pecks on the cheek, because god forbid if they show too much public displays of affection. Couples, they were everywhere. They have been everywhere since spring. Popping up like damn daisies.

Do I hate people falling in love, or acting like they are falling in love? I sat in my car and drove home pondering this idea. I don't think I hate them. I came to the conclusion that if I don't hate them, it must be because I envy them. Yes, I'm sick of being single, it's true. I envy the stability that those people have, and hate the longing to feel the way they do.

That's what I'm missing. I have no problems with the law, I have a car, a job, good friends. I'm taking classes, pretty much everything is in place. There is no girl in my life, that is what I'm missing and that's why I still feel incomplete, I think.

So I've put together a girlfriend application that you can find on my Facebook, I'm totally kidding. But I do find myself putting on cologne thinking "who knows maybe I'll find the one today and she will sniff me." Or going out for a cigarette right by AMC thinking "who knows maybe the love of my life will ask me for a light." Is it wrong to hope?

But for tonight, goodnight.

P.S is it gay that I still rock out to Sum 41 when no ones looking? Fat Lip is epic.

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