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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Letter 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State

So I haven't written for awhile, been about a month. The truth is that I am just losing myself again, much less doing things that I shouldn't do but wanting to do things that I shouldn't. I'm still being myself, and saying no to a lot of the things I wouldn't of a year ago, but I'm off probation, I have a car, and my license back. I want to go wild, I haven't yet. I got a year till its legal to be stupid, I think I can wait for the most part.

Another reason I have been ditching this post is because I really don't know who to write this too, but I figured out someone. I just had to wait till she moved back out to college. I'm going to get back into posting like I was. I promise.

Dear Sammi,

Out of everyone that I have ever been romantically involved with, I'm glad that you and me have stayed on good terms for most of our lives. I've known you for a little of five years now, and for the most part, we have been in contact the entire time. You a great person with a bit of a flawed music sense but I'll learn to deal with it. You have a heart of gold, and it just gets brighter and brighter as the years gone on.

We have a rough past relationship wise, and I'm glad that it never got in the way of us being friends. Because even if we didn't agree on things we usually worked it out, or just stopped talking for a little bit. More or less, we acted mature about most situations.

Actually, that's kind of hard for me to say, because there was a lot of immaturity that surround both you and me, but as time went on, things got better. I'm glad that we can drive and chill and just enjoy each others companies for hours without being awkward.

You a good friend, and a great part of my life. When we all grow older and I look back on my high school and college years I will be happy that you were vividly apart of mine.


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