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Friday, August 20, 2010

Letter 18 - The Person You Wish You Could Be

Dear Perfect Dude,

I wish I could be just like you. I wish I knew what was to become of me like you do, I wish I was successful like you, I wish I could do the things you do.

The reason I write to you, Mr. Made Up In My Mind, is because you are perfect and exactly what I want out of myself. If I could do anything in the world it would be a musician. This sounds extremely childish but I fantasize about it a rather lot. I want to money, the fame, the girls, the life. I want people to look up to me and know me because of the words I write, and the lyrics I sing. I want the perfect harmony of notes to come together and bring joy to those around me. I want that feeling to become my living, the essence of my being.

I want to know exactly what I want to do in life, and I want to be good at it. I want to go into the next day knowing what to expect and what to work for. Today, I have a vague idea about what lies ahead of me for the next year, a vague idea about my income, my intentions in life. The thing about me though, is my intentions always seem to fail halfway. The person I thought I would be with, I'm not. The family that I thought I graduated from, and moved out from, I am back with. I wish I knew what to expect, but I don't, I want to be like you.

I sit and listen to the deep lyrics and melodious notes of different bands and wish that someone would write to the sounds of me someday. Someone will blog about the reasons why my words gave them an inspiration to write that day. I want to change someone's life, like so many people have changed mine.

I want to be one of the many successful people out there, doing what I love to do. I know it is far fetched. Attainable? I'm not sure yet.

We will see.

Your wannabe,

But for tonight, goodnight.

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