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Monday, August 23, 2010

Letter 22 - Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Dear Love Life,

I know this sounds weird, that I am writing to my own love life, but its true, I want to give you another chance. My past two years, as far as my love life goes, has been quite uneventful. I blame this entirely on me. Its not that I haven't met anyone, is that I truly don't give many people a chance to get close to me. I make up lame excuses about different things to put a space between me and people that are interested in me. I just don't want to get hurt, I guess I'm not very risky.

Close friends of mine have given me the advice to go for it, to make it work. I usually shoot down this idea fairly quickly, because if I find a girl I really connect with, I get scared. I don't want to get attached so much that when it ends it alters my way of life, and my way of thinking. I like the way I think, I like the way I do things. Past girlfriends have changed the way I think and the way I do things. I don't mean this in a pushy way, like someone trying to get me to quit bad habits or that instead of coming home to listening to music and fooling around with friends, I would go out with a certain girl. I mean totally altering a state of mind. For example: a girl breaks your heart, you tend to look at couples and despise them for the sheer fact that they are together and happy. That is an altered state of mind.

I write this because I do want to have a relationship again, but at the same time I subconsciously push them away. I tell myself I am not extremely interested, when in fact, I am. I am hesitant to ask certain girls out for a dinner or a movie because I know that, for the most part, I wear my heart on my sleeve and can fall extremely fast for the right girl. I want the challenge and fulfillment of a relationship, and yet I don't want an altered state of mind.

As I read what I just typed out, I am extremely selfish. I want all the good without the bad. I want the goodmornings and the goodnights without the chaotic arguments. I want the kisses and the I love yous without the tears and the pain. I want the new relationship feelings without the heartbreak feeling. This is virtually impossible, and as much as someone can wish, it will not happen.

This is me saying to you, love life, that I want to try and pursue you more so than I have in the last couple months. This is me saying to you that I will not come up with excuses not to get close to girls I am attracted to. This is me saying to you that it is about time for me to commit to a special someone.

The guy that wants to give you a second chance,

But for tonight, goodnight.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letter 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression

Dear Danny,

When people ask us how we met, how we became friends it makes me happy. The story between us is pretty fantastic. We both laugh every time the story comes up. We both knew who each other were before the event took place, but we didn't really make personal contact till then. You rolled up to my house with Chris and Ryan because of a certain girl. My mom and aunt went out to ask you to leave while I was held back, bat in my hand. People ask, why the bat? I reply, have you seen Goss?

After that, and some minor butting of heads, we came to terms with each other. It was a cigarette break during school that brought us together actually. Then a slew of drives and good times. We've had some crazy times, especially recently.

I'm really happy we became better friends though. There is a different between real friends, and party friends. Party friends you hit up if your trying to go out and do something fun, and a real friend is there to catch you when you down. I'm ecstatic that you're both for me. When I really need someone to talk to, and I have recently, you've always been there to help me sort out my issues, and god knows there is a lot of them.

Basically, from enemies, to best friends, and I couldn't be happier. Your a good guy, and you keep it real. I happy about how things have worked out between us the past three years. Really hope things don't change.

Your boy,

But for tonight, goodnight.

Letter 20 - The One That Broke My Heart The Hardest

So I remember before that I wrote that I'm not looking forward to a couple of the letters that I'm going to have to write. This one is, by far, the one I was least looking forward to. To the people who know me and know my past, there is only one girl that fits this category in my life, there's only one girl that fits this slot. We dated for awhile, and after some time, because of a culmination of events, the relationship ended in a sour manor. I've said I love you to few girls in my life, and I don't think I ever meant it as much as I did with her.

Dear Jade,

We don't talk anymore, this is really hard for me to write because of that. I don't know if you will actually read this, but its out there and it scares me. It scares me because in my mind its pathetic to still have you in the back of my head. I've written letters to some people that I really didn't want to and this blog was supposed to get myself out there, with no more boundaries, so I'm not going to stop now, just because your name came up.

Let me just say that first of all this isn't me trying to get you back, or a way to try and be friends again. I'm a firm believer of fate and if we aren't talking, and haven't had a real conversation in two years, there is a reason for it. Again if that sounds hostile, it is not, and I'm sorry if it comes off that way.

On the subject of I'm sorry, there is a lot of things I do need to apologize for. I came to terms that when you and I were together, I acted quite childish and immature by the end of our relationship. I apologize for that, I'm not going to get into specifics, but there is a lot of things I should not have done. At the end, for some reason I kept hearing hope in your voice, a reason to stay together when it was not there. False hope, I'm sorry for taking things the wrong way, and for it ending like it did.

I feel like I don't know you anymore, but at the same time, I remember everything about you. Before this letter I said that there is not another girl out there that I have been with that I actually loved, not like you, and everyone has that girl, that first love. I guess you're mine.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I still think about you time to time. When I see you places, I still get that feeling in my stomach, I suppose that will never go away. You were a big part of my life, it may be a one sided feeling but when I look back at senior year and how much fun I had, a lot of it was because of you. I was talking to a friend awhile ago and he asked me what was the favorite show that I ever went to, I replied Kanye West. He was stunned, he asked me why, and he figured it would be a band that I like or a crazy metal show. I just said that it was one of the best times of my life, I was surrounded by people that I love, my cousins, my friends, good music, and you.

I think its the little things between you and me that make you come up in my mind from time to time. The hundreds of different moments we had. Again, this may sound pathetic, but I found myself comparing other girls to you. A bit of a bad habit, but you are the bases of what I want in a relationship. Since I was probably the happiest with you. 

Things happen for a reason, we stopped seeing each other for a reason. I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for making my senior year better, and giving me great memories. Thank you for being my best friend for a period of time and listening to me, being there for me. You're a great person Jade, and you destined to do great things, you have one hell of a personality, and time has only made you prettier.

Just a guy from your past,

But for tonight, goodnight.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Letter 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind - Good or Bad

Dear Lamont,

I wanted to pick the right letter to write to you, and I figured that this one would probably fit you the best. You pester the hell out of my me, good and bad.

Sometimes, you are a fantastic best friend. Your there when I need someone to listen to me and your there when I just need someone to kick it with for a bit. You've heard all my stories and helped me out with a lot of the drama that has surrounded my life for the past five years. I'm really glad we've stuck through it and kept in touch for so long.

The reason I say you pester me is because of all the nonsense you bring with you. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, your just greatly unique. I don't think I would put up with half the shit you pull with me if it came from anyone else.

So when you moving? I think you've told me hundred different times that your moving, to New York, to Florida, to Richmond. I can't keep track. But its cool, I like you sticking around here.

Its funny, the way we started out as just casual friends passing in the hall to friends that really rely on one another for support from time to time. I hate to say it but you've made me a better person. Stay around, lets see how much more havoc we can cause.

Your friend,

P.S. If I didn't totally each shit and scrap half the skin off my arm and hip last night while we were racing, I totally would have beat you just like that time at the park. I might add I did have a cigarette in my mouth too.

But for tonight, goodnight.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Letter 18 - The Person You Wish You Could Be

Dear Perfect Dude,

I wish I could be just like you. I wish I knew what was to become of me like you do, I wish I was successful like you, I wish I could do the things you do.

The reason I write to you, Mr. Made Up In My Mind, is because you are perfect and exactly what I want out of myself. If I could do anything in the world it would be a musician. This sounds extremely childish but I fantasize about it a rather lot. I want to money, the fame, the girls, the life. I want people to look up to me and know me because of the words I write, and the lyrics I sing. I want the perfect harmony of notes to come together and bring joy to those around me. I want that feeling to become my living, the essence of my being.

I want to know exactly what I want to do in life, and I want to be good at it. I want to go into the next day knowing what to expect and what to work for. Today, I have a vague idea about what lies ahead of me for the next year, a vague idea about my income, my intentions in life. The thing about me though, is my intentions always seem to fail halfway. The person I thought I would be with, I'm not. The family that I thought I graduated from, and moved out from, I am back with. I wish I knew what to expect, but I don't, I want to be like you.

I sit and listen to the deep lyrics and melodious notes of different bands and wish that someone would write to the sounds of me someday. Someone will blog about the reasons why my words gave them an inspiration to write that day. I want to change someone's life, like so many people have changed mine.

I want to be one of the many successful people out there, doing what I love to do. I know it is far fetched. Attainable? I'm not sure yet.

We will see.

Your wannabe,

But for tonight, goodnight.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Letter 17 - Someone From Your Childhood

Dear Mina,

So I went back in my mind, and thought about who is the person that I spent most of my childhood with. Without of a doubt, besides my brother, it would be you. From playing old Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo, to running around in our backyards and goofing off to the sleep overs. Muk...

The only school that we didn't share was Elementary school. We went through Kilmer and Marshall together, side by side. All those bus rides, and times we decided to take a break from school. Its funny to realize how far we have come since then. Your at Virginia Tech, rocking out doing what you do best, and I'm holding down the fort in Nova till you get back.

Put us together, and no one has a chance. Bumpin' to music in our cars, windows down glasses on, even at night. You know how we do. Mina, lets face it, we go hard. Harder than anyone else.

Dance parties at the mall.

No one can see us, lets be honest.

I can't wait for the things to come, December your twenty-one, August I'm twenty-one. Let me just say that DC isn't ready for the havoc we are going to cause. I plan on visiting you at VT soon, take it by storm with my cousin.

I love us,

I love you.

Your cousin,

But for tonight, goodnight.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bit of a Two Parter

I know that I haven't been keeping up as well as I should be. Things have changed in my life a bit and I decided to keep everyone that reads this a little posted.

I'm pretty sure that the last time that I was writing I was bound by the ropes of the law. This is not the case anymore. July 14th I went before the Judge and he told me that the report that my probation officer was fantastic. He also decided to dismiss every charge that I got.

It was a happy day, came home and spent a couple weeks with my family. My birthday came around, turned twenty. I'm am not a teenager anymore, I guess I have to start acting older. Every time I say that out loud I want to slap myself, I still feel sixteen. Well, a day before my birthday my father surprised me with a brand new car. A 2010 Toyota Corrolla. I named it too, but its still a toss up between two. Tholly, or the Mint Mobile. Tholly because the paint job matches the mental cigarette pack, or Mint Mobile because it looks like a big breath of minty freshness. I'm truly stumped.

So now that I have a car, no probation, I feel relieved. Life is back to the way it used to be. Oh wait, I'm still in Nova. Sometimes you have to take what life hands you. Hey, it handed me a nice job at Coastal Flats so, I'll take what I can get.

Working at the mall makes me hate it in some ways. I was standing outside the doors by the AMC wondering why I despise that place in the back of my head. It's not a hate that makes me want to rip my hair out and scream, but a hate that just sits there idle. Sits there and makes you squirm from the inside out. And then I started doing what I do best, people watch.

I think I could count ten seconds before I saw another one. It was like clockwork, they pranced in one by one. Happily strutting along, glaring at you thinking they were better than you. Holding hands, light pecks on the cheek, because god forbid if they show too much public displays of affection. Couples, they were everywhere. They have been everywhere since spring. Popping up like damn daisies.

Do I hate people falling in love, or acting like they are falling in love? I sat in my car and drove home pondering this idea. I don't think I hate them. I came to the conclusion that if I don't hate them, it must be because I envy them. Yes, I'm sick of being single, it's true. I envy the stability that those people have, and hate the longing to feel the way they do.

That's what I'm missing. I have no problems with the law, I have a car, a job, good friends. I'm taking classes, pretty much everything is in place. There is no girl in my life, that is what I'm missing and that's why I still feel incomplete, I think.

So I've put together a girlfriend application that you can find on my Facebook, I'm totally kidding. But I do find myself putting on cologne thinking "who knows maybe I'll find the one today and she will sniff me." Or going out for a cigarette right by AMC thinking "who knows maybe the love of my life will ask me for a light." Is it wrong to hope?

But for tonight, goodnight.

P.S is it gay that I still rock out to Sum 41 when no ones looking? Fat Lip is epic.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Letter 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State

So I haven't written for awhile, been about a month. The truth is that I am just losing myself again, much less doing things that I shouldn't do but wanting to do things that I shouldn't. I'm still being myself, and saying no to a lot of the things I wouldn't of a year ago, but I'm off probation, I have a car, and my license back. I want to go wild, I haven't yet. I got a year till its legal to be stupid, I think I can wait for the most part.

Another reason I have been ditching this post is because I really don't know who to write this too, but I figured out someone. I just had to wait till she moved back out to college. I'm going to get back into posting like I was. I promise.

Dear Sammi,

Out of everyone that I have ever been romantically involved with, I'm glad that you and me have stayed on good terms for most of our lives. I've known you for a little of five years now, and for the most part, we have been in contact the entire time. You a great person with a bit of a flawed music sense but I'll learn to deal with it. You have a heart of gold, and it just gets brighter and brighter as the years gone on.

We have a rough past relationship wise, and I'm glad that it never got in the way of us being friends. Because even if we didn't agree on things we usually worked it out, or just stopped talking for a little bit. More or less, we acted mature about most situations.

Actually, that's kind of hard for me to say, because there was a lot of immaturity that surround both you and me, but as time went on, things got better. I'm glad that we can drive and chill and just enjoy each others companies for hours without being awkward.

You a good friend, and a great part of my life. When we all grow older and I look back on my high school and college years I will be happy that you were vividly apart of mine.
